System maintenance

We place ourselves as the only interlocutor for Property, Manager or Tenant, in the installation and design of systems, in the management of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, management and adaptation to user safety and comfort standards.

Ordinary maintenance

Air conditioning systems


The air conditioning systems must be checked regularly and must be cleaned by qualified personnel; a system can be considered clean only when all the surfaces of the system (in particular of the air ducts) do not present accumulations of particulates deemed unacceptable. We follow our customer from the design, to the realization up to the implementation with testing and related scheduled maintenance plan.

Electrical systems

Good corporate electrical maintenance is important and indispensable in any working context to operate with working tools, whether they are present, for example, in an office, shop or equipment used in a factory. Our role takes on an absolutely strategic value as it offers the possibility, to those who use it, to delegate to our employees all the management of the electrical part present in the office concerned.



The knowledge of the sector allows us to offer customizable solutions and specific consultancy. We ensure full compliance with the standards relating to the systems and the various fire prevention systems. our teams are equipped with vehicles and mobile technologies that allow you to meet every need directly on site. The main types of systems on which we carry out maintenance operations are: fire extinguishers, cylinders, hydrants, hose reels and connections for VV.F., sprinkler systems and pumping groups.

Prompt intervention


Il nostro team di esperti professionisti potrà aiutarVi a riparare scarichi ,riparare rubinetterie, disostruire tubature e lavandini ,sostituire sifoni e scaldabagni oppure riparare scorriacqua.

L’idraulico effettuerà riparazioni nel più breve tempo possibile, utilizzando materiali di alta qualità


Offriamo interventi di riparazione serrature,apertura porte,riparazione serrande e qualora fosse necessario effettuiamo anche opere di falegnameria.


I nostri professionisti verificheranno l’entità del problema ,di qualunque natura esso sia e delle relative riparazioni, pronti ad intervenire in ogni tipo di abitazioni, uffici e negozi .Siamo in grado di poter sostituire interamente il vetro danneggiato in tempi celeri


Offriamo assistenza rapidissima per impianti di ventilazione, raffreddamento e riscaldamento .Siamo in grado reperire il materiale necessario per la risoluzione del problema,in tempi molto ridotti. Tutto per garantire la piena efficienza e la continuità di esercizio di ogni attività lavorativa o servizio pubblico


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